Trail News

Paddle to Virginia’s Newest Farm-to-Table Experience: An Oyster Farm Tour

August 3, 2021

Tommy Leggett, owner of York River Oysters, has been working the water for over 40 years.  Originally from the Norfolk area, he started his career on the water as a traditional waterman, working the water for blue crabs, oysters, or clams; whatever he had to do to make a living.

He holds a M.S. in marine science from the College of William and Mary.  He worked for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.  But his heart is with oyster farming, something he began in 1995.  And as he nears retirement, Leggett is slowly reducing his operations, but makes no mention of quitting altogether.  Farming oysters is a part of who he is.  It’s in his blood.  Instead of working 6 days/week, he’s now on the water just 3-4 days/week.  He no longer sells his oysters to a supplier; he personally delivers them directly to two local restaurants, Aberdeen Barn and Berret’s Seafood.

And he now offers farm tours.  Tommy himself welcomes visitors aboard his 24’ Carolina skiff, where he takes them out to one of his oyster farms, and harvests a few bags of oysters.  On the way to the farm, Tommy can answer all questions about his operation.  From where he gets his seed, how he raises them in a nursery by his house, and how long it takes for an oyster from the nursery to grow to a size that can be harvested.

But once he pulls up to the farm, this is no sit-back-and-watch demonstration.  Tommy will have his guests do the heavy lifting – hauling the bags of oysters aboard and sorting through them.  Predators such as blue crabs will be tossed aside, larger oysters will be brought back to shore, and the smaller oysters will be returned to the water.  It won’t feel like work though, particularly when you can taste an oyster just minutes after it’s been harvested.  Pair that with a local brew or a glass of wine, and you’ve got yourself the quintessential evening on the water in coastal Virginia!

For those that prefer paddling, Tommy can MEET his guests out on the water!  His farm is located less than 2.5 miles from the launch at Gloucester Point Beach Park.

Guests can paddle right up to the gunwhale of his skiff to learn about oystering and participate in a harvest.  If the tide is right, participants can even glide right over the oyster beds and peer down into the water to get an up-close look at the mesh bags full of the delicious mollusks.  If guests come prepared with a cooler of ice, they can pre-order oysters, paddle back with them, and enjoy them at home with the satisfaction of eating oysters they harvested themselves!  That’s enough to make any paddler happy as an… oyster!

Contact Tommy Leggett today to book your farm tour.  Happy water trails!